© The Whole Story 2014
next next Conservation Plan Draft 2009
In 2009, I was contracted by the Provincial Government’s Heritage Branch to help develope a framework for writing Conservation Plans, using Emily Carr’s House of Allsorts. The links to the semi-final draft are included on this page in a variety of formats and also included in the House of Allsorts section is a spreadsheet of most of the existing information on the house itself. Built by Emily Carr as a rooming house, the House of Allsorts is still used as an apartment building to this day. The house featured in her book, The House of Allsorts, where she related tales of the various tenants and her experiences as a landlady. She painted many of her later works in the studio she kept in the house and also had a small kiln for making pottery. The House of Allsorts remains an important piece of local, national and artistic history.
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